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TAKE ROOT magazine takes you on a journey to local farms and gardens where you'll discover the freshest food at nearby farmers’ market, your family’s pantry and in the kitchens of some of your favorite restaurants, food carts and catering services.
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Herbal Pantry
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In the Garden
Growing Kiwi in Oregon

Stow It!

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Plant Care in a Heatwave

Eloisa Organic Farm
Fresh Organic Produce

Black Sheep Gathering
Animals and Fiber

Cast Iron Farm
Raw Milk and Cheese

The Oregon Garden
Signature Oregon Agriculture in Silverton

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Guide to Sourcing Local Food in Linn and Benton Counties
For More Information
Email: debbie (at)
Read Linn-Benton Guide
Read Marion-Polk Guide
Guide to Sourcing Local Food in Marion and Polk Counties